Wednesday, 14 May 2014
The Widow of Georgios, by Sean M. Brooks
The text quoted in this paragraph from Chapter III of A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS inspired in me a few more reflections about the widow of Georgios, as Poul Anderson was summarizing the circumstances leading to Hans Molitor's usurpation of the throne: "Nor had he changed from the leader who let his personnel proclaim him Emperor--himself reluctantly, less from vain-glory than a sense of workmanship, when the legitimate order of succession had dissolved in chaos and every rival claimant was a potential disaster."
I stress paying heed to this "legitimate order of succession." Which means, at the time Josip died, there were Wang princes in the line of succession, the most senior of whom would and should have succeeded Josip without fuss or difficulty if it had not "dissolved in chaos." I wondered what might have happened if the Dowager Empress had outlived Josip. Would she have had, to use Roman terms, so much "auctoritas" and "gravitas" that the Empress Dowager would have been able by the sheer force of her name, character, and authority to prevent "the legitimate order of succession from dissolving in chaos"?
Nicholas Rosen brought to my attention an important text relating to the legitimate Wang succession in Chapter 21 of THE GAME OF EMPIRE, where the traitor Olaf Magnusson was conferring in secret with a messenger from Merseia (the great rival and enemy of the Terran Empire): "Well, Hans Molitor had it easier--the Wang dynasty was extinct, aside from a few idiots who could raise no following. Everybody wished for a strong man and the peace he would impose. Hans was the ablest of the contending war lords." Mr. Rosen pointed out that the fact the Policy Board split over accepting as Emperor Josip's Wang cousin was why "the legitimate order of succession had dissolved in chaos."
Let's ponder in conjunction the two texts quoted above. Josip died childless, yes, but the Wang dynasty was not totally extinct, as Magnusson reminds us. The most senior of these Wang princes should and would have succeeded to the throne if the times had not gotten so bad. I could speculate that a more junior Wang prince tried to claim the throne ahead of the senior heir except that Magnusson's comment does not seem to indicate there was strife inside the Wang Imperial family over the succession. We do see mention of the Policy Board splitting over accepting Josip's successor. I interpreted this as meaning not all members of the Board were willing to accept Josip's heir as Emperor. And then, suddenly, "the legitimate order of succession dissolved in chaos."
Taking all this, along with what Admiral Kheraskov said about the Empress Dowager in Chapter II of THE REBEL WORLDS, I can only regret how little we know of the widow of Georgios (not even her name!). Also, another point needs to be addressed, to soften the cold analysis given here: we should not forget the tragedy seen here, the sorrow the Empress Dowager very likely felt from knowing her own son was such a bad and unworthy Emperor. To say nothing of how the last years of Emperor Georgios were darkened and saddened from him knowing his son was so unsatisfactory an heir.
Monday, 12 May 2014
The Imperial Gardener by Sean M Brooks
This note focuses on one aspect of Poul Anderson's Terran Empire stories usually passed over quite quickly by commentators, Josip III. The twenty years reign of this Emperor was crucial because this period saw the Empire reaching the end of its Principate phase.
ENSIGN FLANDRY is set three years before Emperor Georgios, the father of then Crown Prince Josip, died. Chapter 1 of that book, the only time in the Flandry stories that we see him in person, shows Josip as weak, self indulgent, homosexual, and mentioned as having a notoriously short memory. The best summing up we have of Josip's character is from Admiral Kheraskov's briefing of Dominic Flandry in Chapter II of THE REBEL WORLDS.
"Three years, now, since poor old Emperor Georgios died and Josip III succeeded. Everybody knows what Josip is: too weak and stupid for his viciousness to be highly effective. We all assumed the Dowager Empress will keep him on a reasonably short leash while she lives. And he won't outlast her by much, the way he treats his organism. And he won't have children--not him! And the Policy Board, the General Staff, the civil service, the officers corps, the Solar and extra-Solar aristocracies...they hold more crooks and incompetents than they did in former days, but we have a few good ones left, a few...The plot of THE REBEL WORLDS revolves around how Flandry neutralized a danger to the Empire from a favorite of Josip who was not an ordinary courtier or politician. And how Flandry then thwarted a fleet admiral deliberately goaded into rebellion by that favorite.
"I've told you nothing new, have I?" Flandry barely had time to shake his head. Kheraskov kept on prowling and talking. "I'm sure you made the same quiet evaluation as most informed citizens. The Empire is so huge that no one individual can do critical damage, no matter if he's theoretically all powerful. Whatever harm came from Josip would almost certainly be confined to a relative handful of courtiers, politicians, plutocrats, and their sort, concentrated on and around Terra--no great loss. We've survived other bad Emperors."
Here I wish to pause and briefly comment on the Dowager Empress and widow of Emperor Georgios mentioned by Admiral Kheraskov in the text I quoted from THE REBEL WORLDS. Plainly, this lady was a woman of some force and strength of character if she was able to restrain Josip. And, of course, Josip would at least sometimes heed the wishes and advice of his own mother (who was probably one of the few persons who could talk firmly in a no nonsense way to him). At least while Aaron Snelund, the chief villain of THE REBEL WORLDS, was not at court to counteract her influence.
Josip III was a bad, weak, and irresponsible Emperor. One example of that last quality being his refusal to do his dynastic duty of assuring the succession by marrying and begetting children. As Flandry told Miriam Abrams in Chapter VI of A STONE IN HEAVEN: "Once as a young fellow I found myself supporting the abominable Josip against McCormac--Remember McCormac's Rebellion? He was infinitely the better man. Anybody would have been. But Josip was the legitimate Emperor and legitimacy is the root and branch of government. How else, in spite of the cruelties and extortions and ghastly mistakes it's bound to perpetrate--how else, by what right, can it command loyalty? If it is not the servant of Law, then it is nothing but a temporary convenience at best. At worse, it's raw force."
Josip was thus, despite his vices and flaws, supported by men like Flandry due to the urgent need to uphold Law and legitimacy. However, in one or two other texts I found hints of something better than degeneracy and incompetence in Josip.
WE CLAIM THESE STARS! is set late in Josip's reign, during the Syrax crisis. In this confrontation with Merseia the Empire was forced to concentrate so much of the Navy at the Syrax cluster that Merseia was able to use its Ardazirho clients to attack Terra at another frontier. E.g., the Ardazirho seized the border colony planet Vixen. While discussing the Syrax/Vixen crisis with Flandry, Admiral Fenross said of the fleet commander sent to Vixen (in Chapter VI): "The Emperor himself gave Admiral Walton what amounts to carte blanche." Which made Flandry think: "It must have been one of His Majesty's off days, decided Flandry. Actually doing the sensible thing." Meaning there were times when Josip had the wit to make the right decision.
Next, also in Chapter VI of WE CLAIM THESE STARS!, Fenross mentioned how the Vixenite who brought the news of the colony's seizure by Ardazir asked to meet the Emperor. Flandry sardonically said: "And didn't get it," foretold Flandry. "His Majesty is much too busy gardening to waste time on a mere commoner representing a mere planet." Fenross expressed surprise by asking "Gardening?," Flandry replied ironically, "I'm told His Majesty cultivates beautiful pansies."
When I finally paid attention to this bit of dialogue my thought was that if an Emperor as bad as Josip had enough appreciation of beauty to grow his own flowers, then there was some good in him.
However, I then wondered what Flandry had meant by "pansies." THE RANDOM HOUSE HOUSE DICTIONARY OF THE ENGLISH LANGUAGE (1973) had this as the third definition for the word "pansy": "3. Slang. a. a male homosexual." If that was what Flandry meant, it explains why Fenross reacted so nervously to Flandry's comment: "Fenross gulped and said in great haste..." It would also be an example of some slang words retaining their meanings over a millennium from now.
It can thus be seen how "The Imperial Gardener" is an ironic title for this essay. I admire as well the technical skill shown by Anderson in deftly inserting works set early in Flandry's life (such as THE REBEL WORLDS, 1969) into a series including works placed later in his life (one example being WE CLAIM THESE STARS, 1959).
I absolutely agree with what Flandry said in Chapter VI of A STONE IN HEAVEN about how "legitimacy is the root and branch of government." Lacking that, any government is likely to be nothing but "raw force." And this applies to all governments, whatever their forms may be. To preserve and defend legitimacy, it may well be necessary to support rulers a person privately despises. Many examples from history could be listed here of weak, foolish, and contemptible leaders from Chinese, Roman, Byzantine, French, British, and American history. Leaders it was better to accept if they held power legitimately.
Sunday, 11 May 2014
Poul Anderson: contributor articles
The Poul Anderson: contributor articles blog now exists. To get this new blog off the ground, we have copied thirteen articles, one of them in both an original and a revised version, from earlier posts on Poul Anderson Appreciation.
The thirteen articles have in common that they are not written by me. They also have in common that all are written by one contributor, Sean M Brooks. However, the concept of the new blog is that any reader or fan of Poul Anderson is invited to email articles, essays or even brief remarks to be posted on it. Opinions contradicting mine are not merely tolerated but positively encouraged.
Anderson fans will by now be reading the new Anderson-themed anthology, Multiverse, and will be doing so before I do. Here is an excellent opportunity for new input from new contributors on new material that is also directly relevant to what this blog has been about all along - exploring the imaginary universes of Poul Anderson.
Saturday, 10 May 2014
Crime and Punishment in the Terran Empire by Sean M Brooks
Much of the text below was copied by me from a letter I wrote to Poul Anderson on Thursday, November 9, 1988. With some slight revisions to make them read more like an essay rather than a letter.
I would like to discuss the use Poul Anderson made of the institution of slavery in his Terran Empire stories. In the Empire's third century, Philippe Rochefort reflected: "Well, we're reviving it in the Empire... For terms under conditions limited by law, as a punishment, in order to get some utility out of the criminal.... (THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND, Ch. IV). Over two centuries later, Dominic Flandry said in "Warriors From Nowhere" (AGENT OF THE TERRAN EMPIRE): "If you shoot your neighbor in order to steal his property, you are a murderer and a thief, subject to enslavement." That same story also mentioned the existence of voluntary debt slavery (at least in remote regions of the Empire). Anderson wrote that "That kind of sacrifice was not in accordance with law and custom on Terra, but Terra was a long way off and its tributaries necessarily had a great deal of local autonomy." Chapter II of A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS mentions various criminal convicts as being "...sentenced to limited terms of enslavement for crimes such as repeated theft or dangerous negligence."
One convict was sentenced to life enslavement after committing murder. As she said to another character (also in Chapter II of A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS): "What else would you do with the wicked? Kill them, even for tiny things? Give them costly psychocorrection? Lock them away at public expense, useless to themselves and everybody else? No, let them work. Let the Imperium get some money from selling them the first time, if it can." Treason is also mentioned as carrying the penalty of life enslavement (death was also used to punish treason).
In Chapter IV of ENSIGN FLANDRY, some infractions of military discipline are punished with a device called the "nerve lash." Forty-two years later, in Chapter XIV of A STONE IN HEAVEN, some rebels who voluntarily surrendered to the Imperial authorities are chastised with nothing worse than a "...bit of nerve lash." This means that the Empire's criminal code (both civil and military) ruled that some categories of offenses were most appropriately corrected with corporal punishment.
To sum up, for its human subjects, the Empire used both varying terms of enslavement and corporal punishment to control crime. Obviously, such a system would have to be adjusted to fit the wildly divergent natures and laws of thousands of non-human races in the Empire. Crimes committed by a member of one race against another might be punished by the penalties set by the victim's species. Or limited enslavement and corporal punishment could be used when appropriate. Imperial law also laid down guiding principles, precedents and uniform penalties for such crimes as murder binding on the Empire as a whole. This would be to prevent, say, a Cynthian court from judging, perhaps, a Wodenite too capriciously.
Although many in our Western society would condemn the Empire's penal system (for using slavery and corporal punishment), I cannot when considering the failures of the U.S.'s own criminal justice system. Our reliance on prisons, fines, and "rehabilitation" has not worked. They do not work because many criminals are bad people who like committing crimes. A good argument can be made that all you can do with such felons is punish them and get some recompensational use out of them or remove them from society. Many of our jurists and penologists are infected with the Pelagian delusion of man willing himself to sinless perfection.
So the slave girl we see at the Crystal Moon described in WE CLAIM THESE STARS need not, strictly, be thought to have endured an unusually harsh fate by the standards of her time and society. Most likely, she was convicted of a crime carrying only a limited term of enslavement and the Merseians, being bound to obey the laws of the Empire in such cases, would release her at the end of her term. Unless, of course, she had been convicted of a crime punished by either life enslavement or the death penalty.
I now offer some of Poul Anderson's thoughts on what I wrote above. As he said in his reply letter dated November 19, 1988, "Actually, although the idea of enslavement as punishment for crime was originally something I threw in mention of to add some "local color," its fuller development in later stories about the Terran Empire resulted, paradoxically, from exploring certain possible consequences of libertarianism."
Anderson went on to say libertarians hate the idea of compulsion and would prefer to make contract the basis of all social interaction. Next, he declared that this was only an ideal which could be at best approximated. A libertarian society would minimize or abolish prisons, including attempts at "rehabilitation." Instead, it would focus on restitution. A man convicted of theft, for example, would have to return the stolen property or its equal value, plus paying damages, etc.
To again quote Anderson: "But, to take a single, perhaps melodramatic example--though, alas, not unrealistic--suppose a man has raped a woman. Probably he can't pay adequate money damages, not that there's likely to be that much money in the world anyway. Should he then work for her, unpaid? It seems unlikely he'd would have skills she could use, e.g., gardening, and still more unlikely that she would want him around. So, there is this contract he's signed, to work for her. She can sell the contract to somebody else who does have a use for this character--or who is a broker. Thus libertarianism could result in a revival of chattel slavery!"
Anderson ended by saying this was merely a reductio ad absurdum. But admitted that slavery as a punishment for crime has occasionally occurred in real history. Finally, he stated he was against such an idea but that many things had come to pass he would oppose.
In conclusion, the irony was that the slavery we see in the Terran Empire most likely had its origins during the libertarian era of the Solar Commonwealth and the Polesotechnic League!
God and Alien in Anderson's Technic Civilization by Sean M Brooks
Anyone who has read Poul Anderson's Technic Civilization stories and novels (set in the eras of the Polesotechnic League and the Terran Empire) will recall how, from time to time, mention is made both of the continuing influence of Christianity and how some non human rational beings converted to Christianity. Among other things, it means Anderson took as one of his premises the Church deciding that aliens could be baptized. Some stories also show Buddhism becoming popular with various aliens.
I should cite some evidence to back what I said in the preceding paragraph. In Chapter VII of A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS, as Dominic Flandry was landing on the planet Diomedes, this is how the non human port master at the town of Thursday Landing was described: "He was an autochthon, a handsome creature by any standards. The size of a short man, he stood on backward-bending, talon footed legs. Brown-furred, the slim body ran out to a broad tail which ended in a fleshy rudder; at its middle, arms and hands were curiously anthropoid; above a massive chest, a long neck bore a round head--high, ridged brow, golden eyes with nictitating membranes, blunt-nosed black muzzled face with fangs and whiskers suggestive of a cat, no external ears but a crest of muscle on top of the skull. From his upper shoulders grew the bat wings, their six-meter span now folded. He wore a belt to support a pouch, a brassard of authority, and, yes, a crucifix."
Note that last point, the Diomedean was carrying a crucifix, a very well known and prominent Christian symbol. For any person to do so plainly means he believes in Jesus Christ as Lord and Savior. Almost certainly, this port master was a baptized Christian. I also got the impression that Flandry did not think it unusually surprising, in context, to meet a non human with a crucifix.
A prominent character in THE GAME OF EMPIRE is the draco-centauroid non human from the planet Woden named Francis Xavier Axor, a convert to Christianity and Catholic priest. Fr Axor said he studied archaeology in his youth, mentioning off planet scholars coming to excavate the "Foredweller" ruins found on Woden. Axor and his colleagues in the Galilean Order then tied those archaeological excavations to speculations about the Incarnation of Christ occurring on other planets.
When I first read THE GAME OF EMPIRE in 1985, the Galilean Order immediately reminded me of the Jesuits, because of Axor's comment about the Galileans interest in the sciences. The Jesuits have produced many scholars and scientists. The Augustinians and Benedictines also came to mind.
Readers who have read the first chapter of THE GAME OF EMPIRE may be reminded of C.S. Lewis' essay "Religion and Rocketry," which can be found in the collection called THE WORLD'S LAST NIGHT AND OTHER ESSAYS (Harvest/HBJ). A few quotes from that paper is in order.
From page 86:
"If there are species, and rational species, other than man, are any, or all of them, like us, fallen? This is the point non-Christians always seem to forget. They seem to think the Incarnation implies some particular merit or excellence in humanity. But of course it implies just the reverse; a particular demerit and depravity. No creature that deserved Redemption would need to be redeemed. They that are whole need not the physician. Christ died for man precisely because men are not worth dying for; to make them worth it. Notice what waves of utterly unwarranted hypothesis these critics of Christianity want us to swim through. We are now supposing the fall of hypothetically rational creatures whose mere existence is hypothetical!"Lewis was absolutely correct to say that Our Lord became Incarnate as man NOT because of any merit on our part, but because of our depravity. His comments reminded me of what Fr. Axor said in Chapter 1 of THE GAME OF EMPIRE:
"For see you, young person, some three thousand standard years have passed since Our Lord Jesus Christ walked upon Terra and brought the offer of salvation to fallen man. Subsequently, upstart humankind has gone forth into the light-years, and with Technic civilization has traveled faith to race after race after race."Many things are left unstated here, as part of a background both Fr. Axor and Diana Crowfeather understood and took for granted. Knowledge of the existence of Christianity and its beliefs, a faster than light means of reaching the stars (else it simply would not be possible for mankind to both settle other planets and spread the Faith), the rise of an interstellar civilization enabling these things to happen, non human rational beings coming to believe in Christ, etc.
Fr. Axor goes on to say: "About such independently space faring beings as the Ymirites, one dares say nothing. They are too alien. It may be that they are not fallen and thus have no need of the Word. But painfully plain it is that every oxygen-breathing species ever encountered is in no state of grace, but prone to sin, error, and death." I disagree with Fr. Axor's comments about the Ymirites. The way a Ymirite tried to kill Dominic Flandry (see Chapters IV and V of WE CLAIM THESE STARS!) on the planet Jupiter makes me extremely doubtful Ymirites are un-Fallen. I do agree that hydrogen breathers living on high pressure/gravity worlds like Jupiter are too alien for oxygen breathers to easily or often interact with. And the comment about every oxygen breathing race encountered by mankind being "prone to sin, error, and death" has many theological implications. Which led me to the next quote from Lewis' essay "Religion and Rocketry" (page 86 of THE WORLD'S LAST NIGHT AND OTHER ESSAYS).
And this ties in with Fr. Axor's quest as he explained to Diana Crowfeather. I mean his search for evidence that Christ became incarnate to other races than mankind. It's interesting to note how Lewis' comment about Christ becoming incarnate on other worlds is "no very new idea." The essay I've been quoting from was first published in 1958--which means SOME speculative theologians have wondered about such ideas before then. Again, I'll quote Fr. Axor (Chapter 1 of THE GAME OF EMPIRE).
"Now Our Lord was born once upon Terra, and charged those who came after with carrying the gospel over the planet. But what of other planets? Were they to wait for human missionaries? Or have some of them, at least, been granted the glory of their own Incarnation? It is not a matter on which most churches have ventured to dogmatize. Not only are the lives, the souls, so different from world to world, but here and there one nevertheless does find religions which look strangely familiar. Coincidence? Parallel development? Or a deeper mystery?"
I would argue that the command of Christ to preach the Gospel to ALL nations in Matthew 28.16-20 includes as a legitimate interpretation the inclusion of non human rational beings on other worlds who have fallen. And I realize this means first getting a FTL method of reaching the stars. Fr. Axor's comments above brought to mind these remarks of Lewis in his essay "Religion and Rocketry" (pages 87-88 of THE WORLD'S LAST NIGHT AND OTHER ESSAYS):
might turn out that the redemption of other species differed from ours
by working through ours. There is a hint of something like this in St.
Paul (Romans 8.19-23) when he says that the whole creation is longing
and waiting to be delivered from some kind of slavery, and that the
deliverance will occur only when we, we Christians, fully enter upon our
sonship to God and exercise our "glorious liberty."
the conscious level I believe that he was thinking only of our own
Earth: of animal, and probably vegetable, life on Earth being "renewed"
or glorified at the glorification of man in Christ. But it is perhaps
possible--it is not necessary--to give his words a cosmic meaning. It
may be that Redemption, starting with us, is to work from us and through
These words caused me to wonder if someday,
assuming a FTL drive is invented (as I so strongly hope happens!), that
the Catholic Church might preach the Gospel to aliens whose races have
fallen. Fr. Axor commented above that all known oxygen breathing
species are "prone to sin, error, and death." In other words, fallen.
I've also wondered if Poul Anderson read the essay by C.S. Lewis I've
been quoting. Much of what Anderson has Fr. Axor saying in Chapter 1 of
THE GAME OF EMPIRE parallels Lewis' comments.
It is my
thought that certain texts in the Bible could be interpreted as
supporting the idea Christianity can be rightly preached or offered to
fallen aliens. One being Matthew 28.16-20. But I wish to take a closer
look here at Romans 8.19-23: "For the eager longing of creation awaits
the revelation of the sons of God. For creation was made subject to
vanity--not by its own will but by reason of him who made it subject--in
hope, because creation itself also will be delivered from its slavery
to corruption into the freedom of the glory of the sons of God. For we
know all creation groans and travails in pain until now. And not only
it, but we ourselves also who have the first fruits of the Spirit--we
ourselves groan within ourselves, waiting for the redemption as sons,
the redemption of our body."
It can easily be seen how
Lewis could speculate that this text from Romans could be interpreted as
meaning that a fallen creation (cosmos) awaits the revelation from
Earth of the Incarnation, Passion, Resurrection, and Redemption wrought
there by Christ. And that deliverance from this slavery to corruption
awaits the offering to aliens of the Gospel of Christ.
is necessary to immediately stress that this, like the Incarnation of
Christ coming among men, does NOT mean any special merit on our part.
As Lewis immediately said after the text I quoted above: "This would no
doubt give man a pivotal position. But such a position need not imply
any superiority in us or any favouritism in God." No, it would mean an
ADDITIONAL duty laid on the Church. Lewis was also careful to speculate
in his essay that the vast distances of the other stars and planets
from Earth might be a means of quarantining mankind from un fallen non
human races--so fallen mankind could not corrupt them.
Brother Guy Consolmagno wrote in his booklet INTELLIGENT LIFE IN THE
UNIVERSE? (Catholic Truth Society: 2005, pages 33 and 37), the authors
of the Bible did not have trouble accepting the existence of non human
rational beings. After all, the angels are not human and they certainly
are intelligent! Dr. Consolmagno uses Psalm 89.6-7a as one example:
"The heavens praise your marvels, LORD, your loyalty in the assembly of
the holy ones. Who in the skies ranks with the LORD?" And Brother Guy
quotes John 10.14-16: "I am the good shepherd, and I know mine and mine
know me, even as the Father knows me and I know the Father; and I lay
down my life for my sheep. And other sheep I have that are not of this
fold. Them also I must bring, and they shall hear my voice, and there
shall be one fold and one shepherd." Which makes it easy to think that
the sheep not of this "fold" (Earth, mankind) could be intelligent
beings on other worlds who have fallen.
I hope readers
will be patient as I bring in yet another quote here! This being from
the "Quick Answers" section of the July/August 2000 issue of THIS ROCK
(page 45), a Catholic apologetics magazine. And NO, I was not the one
who sent in this question!
[Q] Is the Catholic Church meant only for the human race? What if we encounter other intelligent beings in the universe at some point--are we to spread the Catholic faith to them?This is far too brief a treatment of the subtle and respectful way Poul Anderson treated religion in his Technic History stories. Especially when I consider how, due to his skill as a writer, that Anderson was able to bring in such ideas without them overwhelming the rest of the stories he set them in. For example, I have not discussed how Anderson speculated on what might happen as humans and non humans alike affected each other as their different religious ideas and beliefs made contact in stories such as "The Three Cornered Wheel," "The Problem of Pain," or "The Season of Forgiveness." This essay should be understood as showing how, centuries later under the Terran Empire, speculations of the kind discussed above might reasonably spring from the initial contacts described in the stories I listed. First, that Christianity might be offered to non humans; second, that both humans and non humans might then wonder whether Christ became incarnate on other worlds besides Terra.
[A] It would probably require an ecumenical council to answer your questions. While the whole area is awfully speculative, here are some considerations you might find useful. First, there would not seem to be anything wrong with sharing the Christian faith with aliens--that is, telling them what God did on our planet (e.g., becoming incarnate as Jesus of Nazareth). Conversely, there would seem to be nothing wrong with them sharing with us what God has done on their planet--though we would have to look to the (human) Catholic Church in determining the authenticity of their claims, since it is this Church which has our pastoral care.
Second, any species we encounter may not need the sacraments, since its members may never have fallen from grace. Or God may have made provisions for their salvation in another way. Or they may be psychologically configured the way angels are, such that if they fall they are incapable of repenting. The big question is whether baptism--the gateway to the other sacraments and to membership in the Church--can be given to non-human rational beings. We haven't had to face this question because on earth we are the only rational beings. Before arriving at a decision on this question--and in emergency situations only--the Church might allow conditional baptism. That is, if a dying alien professed belief in Christ and a desire to be baptized, one might use the formula, "If you are capable of receiving baptism, I baptize you in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit."
Sean M. Brooks
The Uncollected Works of Poul Anderson by Sean M Brooks
It would be easy for a zealous fan of the works of Poul Anderson, such as myself, to boast of how complete a collection I have. I could brag of how many hard cover first editions I have, including rarities. BUT, when I compiled this list of works by Anderson which I DON'T have or have not read, then I see how little right I have for boasting. Because, as anyone can see from reviewing this list, FAR too many of Poul Anderson's essays and stories has not yet been republished or collected. This list strengthens my conviction that we need a COMPLETE COLLECTED WORKS OF POUL ANDERSON if interested readers are going to be able to access even the most obscure of his essays and stories.
For this list I leaned heavily on the bibliography of the works of Poul Anderson compiled by Jean-Daniel Breque and included by him as an appendix to his French translation of a collection of Anderson's Time Patrol stories. I own M. Breque many thanks for giving me a copy of his translation of those stories. I have also found the listing of Anderson's works in the special Poul Anderson issue of THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION for April 1971 to be very helpful. I have not included (aside from a very few exceptions) in this compilation stories which has been collected in anthologies which I either have or can be easily found elsewhere.
One point which concerns me is how many of the stories I listed below were first published in now obscure and little known magazines which has long since ceased being printed. Because I think it is possible all of the issues of some of these forgotten magazines might disappear--meaning that the Anderson stories they printed will be at risk of being permanently lost.
I drew upon the listing of Anderson's articles and essays found in the April 1971 issue of THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION for Section I of the list below. However, that list is only good up till that year. Poul Anderson wrote other non fiction essays after that time as well, some of which, such as "Thud and Blunder," are important and can be found in collections like FANTASY. In addition, it's possible Anderson wrote essays for magazines or newspapers later than the items listed in the April 1971 issue of F&SF which I have no knowledge of.
Moreover, the publication credits for the 1963 edition of Anderson's IS THERE LIFE ON OTHER WORLDS? states that part of Chapter 7 of that book was originally "Science and Superman, an Inquiry," which can be found listed in Section I below. And part of Chapter 8 of the same book was originally "How Social is Science?," also listed below in Section I. My point being that Poul Anderson sometimes revised or incorporated stories and essays for inclusion in other works.
While working on this article I was amazed yet again at how creative and prolific an author Poul Anderson was. All by themselves, the 90 plus essays and stories I listed here would be considered a very respectable lifetime achievement for many writers. Never mind the far larger number of better known stories and novels written by Anderson! Of course, the reason for that is simple: Anderson had to sell as many stories, essays, and novels as possible if he was to make a living as a free lance writer.
It was maddening and frustrating to list so many unknown essays and stories written by Poul Anderson. For instance, what did Anderson write about in the article "Those Hairy Ancestors? The Neanderthals or some other branch of the hominid family? And the very title of "Ashtaru the Terrible" is tantalizing! And was "The Corpse in a Suit of Armor" another Trygve Yamamura mystery story?
To sum up, with a few exceptions (e.g., some of Anderson's stories for THE FLEET books) the tales I listed below are works I have not read. It is humbling to see, despite my ardor in collecting the works of Poul Anderson, how MANY of these articles and stories I have not yet managed to find. In addition, one reason I have compiled this list is to highlight for future editors striving to collect the works of Poul Anderson which of his lesser known articles and stories they should take pains in tracking down. Other readers, of course, may well compile somewhat different lists.
I. Articles, Essays, Reviews
"The Einstein Rocket," DSF, Dec. 1952
"Those Hairy Ancestors," ASTOUNDING SCIENCE FICTION (hereafter cited as ASF), Nov. 1954
"Plausibility in SF," WRITERS' YEARBOOK, 1956
"Nice Girls on Mars," THE MAGAZINE OF FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION (hereafter cited as F&SF), May 1956
"The Troublesome Dimensions," ASF, Nov 1956
"How Social Is Science?," SATURDAY REVIEW, 27 April 1957
"Science and Superman, an Inquiry," AMAZING, Nov. 1959
"The Helpful Friend of Mohammed Abdullah" [The Library Murder], in THE QUALITY OF MURDER, ed. Anthony Boucher, Dutton 1962
"Poetry, Science, and Fiction," AMAZING, Feb. 1965
"Life in Space," in ASTRONAUTICS FOR SCIENCE TEACHERS, ed. John Meiner, Wiley, 1965
Untitled Reply to Soviet Critics, F&SF, Oct. 1965
"In One More Generation," NATIONAL REVIEW, 30 Jan. 1968
Untitled book reviews, F&SF, April 1968
"Limiting Factor," IF, May 1968
Untitled memorial to Anthony Boucher, F&SF, August 1968
"Search for the Hunter," in ADVENTURES IN DISCOVERY, ed. Tom Purdom, Doubleday, 1969
"The Past That Never Was," NATIONAL REVIEW, 24 Feb. 1970
Introduction to FIRST STEP OUTWARD, ed. Robert Hoskins, Dell 2549, 1969
"Commentary" in MEN ON THE MOON, ed. Donald Wollheim, Ace 52470, 1969
"Editorial," ASF, Jan, 1972
"Science and Creation," ASF, Sept, 1973
II. Science Fiction and Fantasy
"A Matter of Relativity," ASF, September 1944
"Genius," ASF, December 1948
"Prophecy," ASF, May 1949
"Entity," in collaboration with John Gregen, ASF, June 1949
"The Perfect Weapon," ASF, February 1950
"Trespass," in collaboration with Gordon R. Dickson, FANTASTIC SERIES QUARTERLY, 1950
"Witch of the Demon Seas," PLANET STORIES (hereafter cited as PS), January 1951
"The Acolytes," WORLDS BEYOND, February 1951
"World of the Mad," IMAGINATION, February 1951
"Inside Earth," GALAXY, April 1951
"The Missionaries," OTHER WORLDS, June/July 1951
"The Virgin of Valkarion," PS, July 1951
"Swordsman of Lost Terra," PS, November 1951
"War-Maid of Mars," PS, May 1952
"Garden in the Void," GALAXY, May 1952
"Sentiment, Inc.", SPACE SCIENCE FICTION, February 1953
"The Green Thumb," SCIENCE FICTION QUARTERLY, February 1953
"Security," SPACE SCIENCE FICTION, February 1953
"Ashtaru the Terrible," FANTASY MAGAZINE, March 1953
"Courier of Chaos," FUTURE SCIENCE FICTION, March 1953
"Three Wishes," FANTASTIC, March/April 1953
"Rachaela," FANTASY FICTION, June 1953
"The Temple of Earth," ROCKET STORIES, July 1953
"Butch," in TIME TO COME, anthology ed. by August Derleth, 1954
"Contact Point," collaboration with Theodore Cogswell, IF, August 1954
"Elliptic Orbit," IF, December 1954
"Snowball," IF, May 1955
"Catalysis," IF, February 1956
"Security Risk," ASF, January 1957
"Survival Technique," collaboration with Kenneth Gray, F&SF, March 1957
"Life Cycle," F&SF, July 1957
"Mister Tiglath, TALES OF THE FRIGHTENED, August 1957
"The Peacemongers," F&SF, December 1957
"The Apprentice Wobbler," STAR SCIENCE FICTION, January 1958
"The Barrier Moment," ASF, renamed ANALOG, March 1960
"The Covenant," FANTASTIC, July 1960
"Goodbye, Atlantis," FANTASTIC, August 1961
"The Enemy," TORONTO STAR WEEKLY, October 28, 1961
"Third Stage," AMAZING, February 1962
"In the Island of Uffa," WEST BY ONE AND BY ONE, anthology pub. 1965
"High Treason," IMPULSE, March 1965
"A Gift From Centauri," BOY'S LIFE, December 1967
"The Inevitable Weapon," ANALOG, March 1968
"The Galloping Hessian," BOY'S LIFE, October 1969
"I Tell You, It's True," NOVA 2, ed. Harry Harrison (1972), and in CONFLICT (1983)
"Strength," collaboration with Mildred D. Downey, in THE MAGIC MAY RETURN (ed. Larry Niven,1982)
"Letter from Tomorrow," ANALOG, August 1987
"The Deserter," NEW DESTINIES 4, ed. Jim Baen (1988)
"The Only Bed to Lie In," THE FLEET, ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett (1988)
"The Death Wish, THE MICROVERSE, anthology ed. Byron Preiss (1989)
"Origin," NEW DESTINIES 4, anthology ed. Jim Baen (1989)
"Statesmen," NEW DESTINIES 8, anthology ed. Jim Baen (1989)
"Dereliction," THE FLEET 4: SWORN ALLIES, ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett (1990)
"Kinetic Kill," THE FLEET: CRISIS, ed. David Drake & Bill Fawcett (1991)
"Unnatural Enemy," THE ULTIMATE DINOSAUR, anthology ed. Byron Preiss & Robert Silverberg (1992)
"Scarecrow," NEW LEGENDS, anthology ed. Greg Bear & Martin H. Greenberg (1995)
"Renascence," ANALOG, March 1995
"Inside Passage," THE WILLIAMSON EFFECT, anthology ed. Roger Zelazny (1996)
"Tyranny," FREE SPACE, anthology ed. Brad Linaweaver & Edward E. Kramer (1997)
"Consequences," NATURE, vol. 405, no. 6784, May 18, 2000
"The Bog Sword," THE FIRST HEROES, anthology ed. Harry Harrison & Noreen Doyle (2004)
III. Mysteries and Adventures
"The Corpse in a Suit of Armor," THE SAINT DETECTIVE MAGAZINE, November 1956
"The Trader and the Viking," JACK LONDON'S ADVENTURE MAGAZINE, October 1958
"Pythagorean Romaji," THE SAINT DETECTIVE MAGAZINE, December 1959
"Stab in the Back," THE SAINT DETECTIVE MAGAZINE, March 1960
"The Gentle Way," THE SAINT DETECTIVE MAGAZINE, August 1960
Sandra Miesel's Technic Civilization Chronology by Sean M Brooks
Prefatory Note. Dr. Shackley kindly published on his blog (April 26, 2012) an earlier version of this essay written by me. Since then, I decided it needed to be revised, mostly from dating the birth of Nicholas van Rijn to 2421 instead of my earlier suggestion he was born in 2424. And that made it necessary to revise my suggested dates for the birth of David Falkayn and many of the stories set during the Polesotechnic League. I remained largely satisfied with the dates I proposed for the stories set in the Imperial era and made only minor changes to that part of the Chronology.
Several editions of the Technic Civilization stories of Poul Anderson (Gregg Press, Ace Books, Baen Books) have attached to them a chronology compiled by Sandra Miesel, an excellent commentator on the works of Anderson. This chronology lists in internal chronological order all the stories and novels of the Technic Civilization series through periods like that of the Polesotechnic League and the Terran Empire. Miesel also added many annalistic notes to her chronology.
For those who wish to read the Technic Civilization stories in chronological order, or merely to have a list of the stories in a correct temporal sequence, Sandra Miesel has done readers of Anderson's works a real favor. However, commentators like Dr. Paul Shackley have discovered inconsistencies in some of Miesel's proposed dates which contradicts what the texts says.
For example, Miesel dates the birth of Nicholas van Rijn to AD 2376 and the crucial Polesotechnic League's Council of Hiawatha to 2400. However, as discussed by Dr. Shackley in his note "Inconsistencies II," Nicholas van Rijn was born too late to have attended that council. The section of Chapter IX of MIRKHEIM which discussed the Council of Hiawatha ended with "But when a century had passed--". Nicholas van Rijn could not have attended that council because he was 80 years old at the time of the Mirkheim/Baburite crisis. He would need to have been, implausibly, well over a century in age.
I have no objection to keeping Miesel's dating of the Council of Hiawatha to 2400, but I believe dating van Rijn's birth to 2421 is more accurate. And since the Mirkheim/Baburite war came when van Rijn was 80 years old, that means it should be dated 2501 (not in 2456, Miesel's date). This has the advantage of not contradicting what Chapter IX of MIRKHEIM said about "But when a century had passed."
Another error in Miesel's chronology contradicting what the texts say are her dates for "Lodestar" and MIRKHEIM. She dates the events in "Lodestar" and MIRKHEIM to 2446 and 2456. However, the Prologue to MIRKHIEIM clearly dates the events in that book to EIGHTEEN, not 10, years after "Lodestar." My revision of her chronology dates those stories to 2483 and 2501.
The next major inconsistency in Miesel's chronology contradicting what the texts say came from her dating the foundation of the Terran Empire to the 28th century and the birth of Dominic Flandry to AD 3000. These dates clash with what Chapter 10 of ENSIGN FLANDRY says, as the Merseian prime minister Brechdan Ironrede was going to the Imperial embassy for an official reception: "His destination was another offense, a compound of residences and offices in the garish bubble style of the Imperium four hundred years ago." This indicates the Empire had existed for over four centuries by the time of ENSIGN FLANDRY (because it is reasonable to think schools of architecture needed some time after the Empire arose to become popular).
"Day of Burning" gives us some idea of how long the Merseian year was when it says: "The time unit Falkayn actually used was Merseian, a trifle greater than Earth's." My guess is the Merseian year was longer than our Earth's year by three per cent or less, since it was only a "trifle" longer. This supports my argument that the Empire was older than the three centuries or so that Sandra Miesel proposes in her chronology at the time of ENSIGN FLANDRY.
Moreover, Miesel herself contradicts her chronology when she wrote in her "Introduction" for THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND (Gregg Press: 1977): "The Empire is its third century when it moves against the Domain in its first aggressive campaign against a civilized foe." Another chronological indication can be found in Chapter 8 of Anderson's THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN, as Ivar Frederiksen briefly summarized the history of relations between the Empire and the Domain of Ythri: "Still, it [the Domain] grew. So did Empire, Terra's, that is, till they met and clashed. Couple centuries ago, they fought." Now, if the Empire had existed a little over two centuries by the time of the Ythrian War and then that conflict was at least two centuries in the past by the time of THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN, that can only mean it had lasted more than four centuries by then.
Therefore, I would argue for dating the birth of Dominic Flandry to AD 3100, not 3000 (the year Miesel chose). The later date better fits the chronological evidence I collected from the texts. I am still puzzled how Miesel could have missed, for example, such crucial indications as the Prologue of MIRKHEIM saying the Baburite war occurred 18 years after "Lodestar."
In addition, I suggested below that Josip died in 3142 rather than in 3141 (Miesel's date was 3041) because a slightly longer reign for that Emperor fitted better the background of the stories. That is, it gives more time for the events recorded in those stories to take place without being crowded together too tightly.
If the argument I gave above is correct, then that means many, not all, of the dates given by Miesel in her chronology needs to be changed. Mostly by proposing dates later than the ones she chose. In the chronology given by me below, the dates I advocate are given first while Miesel's dates are given in square brackets. For the most part I used the "Chronology of Technic Civilization" to be found in the Gregg Press edition of ENSIGN FLANDRY. I also thought it best, for simplicity's sake, to omit many of the annalistic notes added by Sandra Miesel. I omitted many bibliographical details for similar reasons.
In my proposed revision of Sandra Miesel's Chronology I preferred to list the stories by their first magazine or book publication dates. To be strictly accurate I should say that Poul Anderson revised a few of these stories: "Margin of Profit," "The White King's War," "Tiger by the Tail," "Honorable Enemies," and "Warriors from Nowhere." These later versions should be considered canonical and first appeared in THE EARTHBOOK OF STORMGATE ("Margin of Profit") and in the Ace Books and Gregg Press editions of the Dominic Flandry stories ("The White King's War," GALAXY, October 1969, was incorporated in A CIRCUS OF HELLS).
The Breakup and the Polesotechnic League
2055 "The Saturn Game," ANALOG SCIENCE FICTION (cited as ASF), February, 1981
2150 "Wings of Victory," ASF, April, 1972
24th century "The Problem of Pain," FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION, February, 1973
2400 The Council of Hiawatha
2421 [2376] Birth of Nicholas van Rijn
2451 [2406] Birth of David Falkayn
2461 [2416] "Margin of Profit," ASF, September, 1956
2461 [2416] "How to be Ethnic in One Easy Lesson," FUTURE QUEST, ed. Roger Elwood, Avon Books, 1974
2468 [2416] "The Three Cornered Wheel," ASF, October, 1963
2471 [2426] WAR OF THE WING MEN, Ace Books, 1958
2471 [2426] "Esau," ASF, February, 1970
2471 "A Sun Invisible," ASF, April, 1966
2472 [2427] "Hiding Place," ASF, March, 1961
2472 [2427] "Territory," ASF, June, 1963
2476 [2427] "The Trouble Twisters," as "Trader Team," ASF, July-August, 1965
2478 [2433] "Day of Burning," as "Supernova," ASF, January, 1967
3478 [2433] "The Master Key," ASF, July, 1964
2482 [2437] SATAN'S WORLD, Doubleday, 1969
2482 [2437] "A Little Knowledge," ASF, August 1971
2482 [2437] "The Season of Forgiveness," BOY'S LIFE, December, 1973
2483 [2446] "Lodestar," ASTOUNDING: THE JOHN W. CAMBPBELL MEMORIAL ANTHOLOGY, ed. by Harry Harrison, Random House, 1973
2501 [2456] MIRKHEIM, G.P. Putnam's Sons, 1977
Early 26th century [late 25th century], settlement of Avalon
26th century, "Wingless on Avalon," BOY'S LIFE, July, 1973
26th century, "Rescue on Avalon," in CHILDREN OF INFINITY, ed. Roger Elwood, Franklin Watts, 1973
26th centruy, dissolution of the Polesotechnic League
The Time of Troubles and the Terran Empire
2600-2700 [27th century] The Time of Troubles
Late 27th century, "The Star Plunderer," PLANET STORIES (cited as PS), September, 1952
2700 Manuel Argos founds the Terran Empire, Principate phase begins
28th century, "Sargasso of Lost Starships," PS, January, 1952
29th century [30th C], Covenant of Alfzar
2925 [29th century], THE PEOPLE OF THE WIND, New American Library, 1973
3100 [3000] Birth of Dominic Flandry
Circa 3112 Battle of Mirzan, Alarri invasion crushed by the Navy
3119 [3019] ENSIGN FLANDRY, Chilton, 1966
3121 [3021] A CIRCUS OF HELLS, New American Library, 1971
3122 [3022] Josip succeeds Georgios as Emperor
3125 [3025] THE REBEL WORLDS, New American Library,1969
3127 [3027] "Outpost of Empire," GALAXY, December, 1967
3128 [3028] THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN, Doubleday, 1973
3132 [3032] "Tiger by the Tail," PS, January, 1951
3133 [3033] "Honorable Enemies," FUTURE COMBINED WITH SCIENCE FICTION STORIES, May, 1951
3135 [3035] "The Game of Glory," VENTURE, March, 1958
3137 [3037] "A Message in Secret," as MAYDAY ORBIT, Ace Books, 1961
3138 [3038] "A Plague of Masters," as EARTHMAN, GO HOME, Ace Books, 1961
3140 [3040] WE CLAIM THESE STARS! (also HUNTERS OF THE SKY CAVE), Ace Books, 1959
3042 [3041] Hans Molitor succeeds Josip as Emperor after brief civil war, supplants short lived Imperial relative as Emperor.
3143 [3042] "Warriors from Nowhere," as "Ambassadors of Flesh," PS, Summer, 1954
3148 [3047] A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS, New American Library, 1975
3155 Dietrich succeeds Hans as Emperor
3157 Gerhart succeeds Dietrich as Emperor
3162 [3061] A STONE IN HEAVEN, Ace Books, 1979
3167 [3064] THE GAME OF EMPIRE, Baen Books, 1985
Early fourth millennium, the Empire enters its Dominate phase
Circa AD 3500, Fall of the Terran Empire, the Long Night begins. War, piracy, anarchy, economic collapse, and isolation devastate countless worlds.
The Long Night
3600 "A Tragedy of Errors," GALAXY, February, 1968
3900 THE NIGHT FACE, Ace Books, 1978
4000 "The Sharing of Flesh," GALAXY, December, 1968
7100 "Starfog," ASF, August, 1967
An Unexpected Contradiction by Sean M Brooks
In this essay I would like to comment on an unexpected contradiction I found in two of Poul Anderson's stories: THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN and "Honorable Enemies." Reading and thinking about these stories caused me to discover a serious contradiction when Chapter 20 of THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN is studied alongside "Honorable Enemies."
Chapter 20 of TDOTR has Aycharaych, the Chereionite master spy working for Merseia, the great rival of the Terran Empire, talking far too freely to Erannath, an agent of the Domain of Ythri also working for the Empire, about his telepathic powers. As Erannath says: "There is some ultimate quality of the mind which goes deeper than language. At close range, Aycharaych can read the thoughts of ANY being--any speech, any species, he claims--without needing to know that being's symbolism. I suspect what he does is almost instantly to analyze the pattern, identify universals of logic and conation, go on from there to reconstruct the whole mental configuration--as if his nervous system included not only sensitivity to the radiations of others, but an organic semantic computer fantastically beyond anything that Technic civilization has built."
However, the text I quoted from Chapter 20 of TDOTR contradicts what we see five years later (in the Technic timeline) in both the original and revised versions of "Honorable Enemies." In this story both Dominic Flandry and Lady Aline Chang-Lei were shocked and dismayed to discover Aycharaych was a telepath while at Betelgeuse.
Why didn't Imperial Naval Intelligence inform Flandry and Chang-Lei of Aycharaych's telepathic powers before sending them to Betelgeuse? After all, as we know from reading TDOTR, the Empire's Intelligence service discovered Aycharaych's telepathic abilities. It would be logical to think its best agents would be informed about Aycharaych's powers. The simplest explanation I can think of for this contradiction is that Poul Anderson forgot to keep in mind the new information about Aycharaych while he was revising "Honorable Enemies." And because I believe Anderson wanted to keep the new version as close as possible to the original form of the story (although that meant contradicting what we see in TDOTR).
However, one friend, who prefers to remain anonymous, to whom I sent this essay made an interesting suggestion which helps at rationalizing the contradiction I found from comparing TDOTR with "Honorable Enemies." It was suggested that the reason why Imperial Naval Intelligence failed to inform Flandry and Chang-Lei of Aycharaych's telepathic powers was due to a bureaucratic obsession with guarding valuable information. This concern for security, legitimate in itself, was carried too far when the information about Aycharaych was not revealed at least to a few key field agents who NEEDED to know it, especially Terra's agents at the court of the Sartaz of Betelgeuse, at a time when it was likely the Chereionite master spy was going to be there.
One point which puzzles me is why Sandra Miesel, an excellent commentator on the works of Poul Anderson, did not see how Chapter 20 of TDOTR contradicted "Honorable Enemies." No mention is made of this contradiction in her two essays about the Flandry stories: her "Introduction" for ENSIGN FLANDRY (Gregg Press, 1979); or, "Afterword: The Price of Buying Time," for A STONE IN HEAVEN (Ace Books, 1979).
I am frankly astonished to realize I may be the first reader or commentator who saw how THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN contradicted "Honorable Enemies" on an important point of plot development. I was reminded of what Anderson himself said: "Indeed, various eagle-eyed individuals have long since pointed out this or that contradiction to me" ("Concerning Future Histories," BULLETIN OF THE SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF AMERICA, Fall 1979, page 13).
Sector Governors in the Terran Empire by Sean M Brooks
I recall seeing speculation by fans of Poul Anderson who wondered how much "territory" was covered by a sector governor's "province" in Anderson's Terran Empire tales. And while recently rereading THE REBEL WORLDS I came across a few texts which gives us some information on that point.
Poul Anderson likes to give readers some idea of the over all size of the Terran Empire in many of his stories. Because he believed it gives us some idea of the sheer vastness of the background setting before he focuses on "smaller" scenes. THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN was no exception and this is what I found in Chapter 3: "The vaguely defined, roughly spherical volume over which Terra claimed suzerainty had a diameter of some 400 light-years; it held an estimated four million stars, whereof half were believed to have been visited at least once; approximately 100,000 planets had formalized relations with the Imperium, but for most of them it amounted to no more than acknowledgment of subordination and modest taxes, or merely the obligation to make labor and resources available should the Empire ever have need."
A sector governor ruled regions of the Empire analogous to the jurisdictions held by the viceroys and governor generals of the former Spanish and British Empires on Earth. On an interstellar scale, the territory over which he held authority was almost inconceivably vast, as this quote from the opening paragraph of Chapter III of THE DAY OF THEIR RETURN indicates: "A sector governor oversaw such vastness that to him it became a set of abstractions." And I found a rare indication of how large a sector was in THE REBEL WORLDS, Chapter I: "...a sector governor, viceroy for His Majesty throughout some 50,000 cubic light years surrounding Alpha Crucis." I am sure this is the only text in the stories where a specific figure was given indicating the SIZE of a sector.
As we already know, there were 100,000 planets owning formal allegiance to the Imperium. These planets included both worlds colonized by humans and planets inhabited by non human rational beings. It is my guess that, on average, a sector had 1000 of these planets. The evidence on which I based this is the following quote from Chapter II of THE REBEL WORLDS, from the passages describing Admiralty Center: "Crowds moved by and overflowed the offices. Their members ranged from junior technicians to admirals on whose heads might rest the security of a thousand worlds.." I understood this to mean that the military defense of the border sectors of the Empire entrusted to these admirals averaged a thousand worlds. And it is reasonable to think the sectors of the inner Empire also averaged a thousand planets. Therefore, I argue the Empire was divided into 100 sectors for administrative purposes.
How important were sector governorships? Important enough that the persons chosen for them were matters of intense interest to the Throne and the Policy Board. Here's a bit from Admiral Kheraskov's briefing of Dominic Flandry in Chapter II of THE REBEL WORLDS: "Elevation [of Aaron Snelund] to a higher rank would have kicked up a storm, but viscounts are a millo a thousand. However, it's sufficient for a major governorship. Many sectors would be too rich, powerful, close to home, or otherwise important. The Policy Board would not tolerate a man in charge of them who couldn't be trusted."
Moreover, to do their jobs, sector governors HAD to have wide powers, despite this also allowing the risk of abuse of those powers occurring. As Flandry said in Chapter III of THE REBEL WORLDS: "We have *got *to give our proconsuls wide discretion. We've *got *to let them recruit auxiliaries, and hope those auxiliaries will know the local scene better than Imperial regulars." THE REBEL WORLDS takes its plot from a bad governor's abuse of his office and powers.
In his Terran Empire stories Poul Anderson named the sectors not after planets but for either astronomically prominent stars or stars orbited by politically influential planets. Examples being Sector Aldebaran, Sector Alpha Crucis, Sector Pacis, Sector Spica, etc.
Anderson's PLANET STORIES Tales by Sean M Brooks
Originally published on Poul Anderson Appreciation, Thurs 23 May 2013.
When Poul Anderson was a young writer who was still, in may ways, learning how to write, he contributed a dozen or so stories to PLANET STORIES. Here I both list those yarns and offer some comments about those PLANET STORIES tales by both Anderson and me.
"Star Ship," PLANET STORIES, Fall 1950
"Witch of the Demon Seas," PS, January 1951
"Tiger by the Tail," PS, January 1951
"Duel on Syrtis," PS, March 1951
"The Virgin of Valkarion," PS, July 1951
"Lord of a Thousand Suns," PS, September 1951
"Swordsman of Lost Terra," PS, November 1951
"Sargasso of Lost Starships," PS, January 1952
"Captive of the Centaurianess," PS, March 1952
"War Maid of Mars," PS, May 1952
"The Star Plunderer," PS, September 1952
"The Ambassadors of Flesh," PS, Summer 1954
"Out of the Iron Womb," PS, Summer 1955
Most of these stories have been republished in collections including works by other authors or as one author (Anderson) anthologies. But I have not yet managed to read "Witch of the Demon Seas," "The Virgin of Valkarion," or "War Maid of Mars."
Although best known for his excellent hard SF and fantasies, Poul Anderson also wrote some of the finest and purest quill pen pulp SF to be found. Two examples being "Lord of a Thousand Suns" and "Swordsman of Lost Terra." But I wish to let Anderson himself comment on the tales he wrote for PLANET STORIES. The text quoted below came from his essay "Concerning Future Histories" (BULLETIN OF THE SCIENCE FICTION WRITERS OF AMERICA, Fall 1979), quoting from page 8.
Way back when, I was for a short time a mainstay of PLANET STORIES. That magazine is today of fond memory, but at the time it was considered trash by many fans because it frankly went in for straight adventure with a science fictional back-ground. Myself, I saw nothing wrong with that. The action story has been a legitimate form since Homer, if not before. (It might be remarked, too, that PLANET occasionally ran stuff by such people as Ray Bradbury, Margaret St. Clair, and William Tenn which nobody else dared touch. And even in the swashbucklers, characters were permitted to have sex lives.) I was young and poor and wanted money to travel on, I could write derring-do very fast; why not? Therefore I churned out a total of about a dozen. That was all. They caused persons who think in categories to dismiss me as nothing but a blood-and-thunderer, and those folk took a long time to change their minds. Some never had. No matter, I don't feel the least apologetic for having thus earned the means to widen my horizons. Those tales were in no way memorable, but they weren't pretentious either, and if they gave a little diversion to most of their readers, they served their purpose.It's my view that here Anderson was being too modest about the quality of the tales he wrote for PLANET STORIES. As I've already said, I believe he wrote some of the finest pulp SF to be found. Also, the additional text quoted below from "Concerning Future Histories" (also from page 8 of the above mentioned BULLETIN) explains why I believe his PS tales to be much better than average.
Nevertheless, I quickly grew tired of certain cliches in the genre. The uniformly noble and Nordic heroes, the incredibly complete resolutions of all problems. Why not do something a bit more believable? This was the origin of "Tiger by the Tail," the first story about Dominic Flandry. In name and temperament, he was Gallic; a Frenchman has actually congratulated me on the characterization. He was an intelligence officer in the service of a Terran Empire far gone in decay, losing the very will to defend its frontiers, while alien enemies pressed ever harder inward. He recognized the corruption of his society in his own spirit. But somebody had to try keep things hanging together somehow, at any rate through his lifetime. After all, civilization was much more enjoyable than barbarism, or death. Besides, the work itself was the most interesting activity in sight, in between bouts of sensualism, and he did keep a few fugitive ideals and loyalties.I agree with what Anderson said about those "cliches in the genre." What I read in the stories he wrote for PS makes it plain he transcended those shop worn tropes. I thought of "Captive of the Centaurianess" as one example because of how he used sardonic humor to turn inside out those cliches. And the same was true of "Tiger by the Tail," with its theme of how noble, honorable barbarians versus a "corrupt" civilized man was shown to be false and the civilized man was wiser and more decent than the barbarians he opposed. A writer who was merely a hack would probably have taken the opposite tack.
What kind of magazine was PLANET STORIES? To answer that question I'll quote a bit from Malcolm J. Edwards entry for PS on page 937 of THE ENCYCLOPEDIA OF SCIENCE FICTION (1993, ed. by John Clute and Peter Nicholls): "Subtitled in its early years "Strange Adventures on Other Worlds--The Universe of Future Centuries," PS was the epitome of pulp SF. Its covers were garish in the extreme, and its story titles promised extravagantly melodramatic interplanetary adventures (which the stories themselves frequently provided)." And Poul Anderson wrote tales for PS which fit this description (and the wonderfully lurid covers) while also improving on or even transcending those cliches he came to dislike.
Andersonian Fantasy by Sean M Brooks
The late Poul Anderson was best known as a writer of "hard" science fiction. But, he also wrote a smaller, but significant body of fantasy. I listed the most important of these works below.
THE BROKEN SWORD (1954, rev. ed. 1971)
THE DEMON OF SCATTERY, with Mildred D. Broxon (1979)
FANTASY (1981)
WAR OF THE GODS (1997), regretfully, I think this was a weak, for Anderson, book.
I hesitate at including THE KING OF YS in this list because this four volume novel is best thought of as a historical novel. It does contain some very slight fantasy elements. One of the longest and most argumentative of my letters to Poul Anderson was a discussion of THE KING OF YS.
Except for the regrettably weak WAR OF THE GODS, Anderson's fantasies are of such high quality that I find it difficult to name the two or three I admire most. But THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS is definitely one of them. And A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST is unusual in being written almost entirely in blank verse. TEMPEST was written as a homage to William Shakespeare and his plays.
The stories I listed below are found in the collection called, with regrettable unoriginality, FANTASY. The collection includes two non fiction articles by Poul Anderson and an "Afterword" by Sandra Miesel
"House Rule"
"The Tale of Hauk"
"Of Pigs and Men"
"A Logical Conclusion"
"The Valor of Cappen Varra"
"The Gate of the Flying Knives"
"The Barbarian"
"On Thud and Blunder"
"Fantasy in the Age of Science"
"The Visitor"
"Bullwinch's Mythology"
"Afterword: An Invitation to Elfland," by Sandra Miesel
Truthfully, the list I gave above includes stories which are at least borderline hard science fiction. Examples being "House Rule" and "Superstition." I especially admire the rigorous logic Poul Anderson uses in developing ideas most of us would call fantasies. Two examples of that being "The Tale of Hauk" and "Pact."
Before he died in 2001, Poul Anderson arranged to have several of his books and stories posthumously published. The last of his fantasy stories, "The Lady of the Winds," was published by FANTASY AND SCIENCE FICTION in the Oct/Nov 2001 issue.
I am convinced Poul Anderson was a master short story writer. In both fantasy and hard science fiction. By turns poetic and elegiac, and scrupulously faithful to known science or not too impossible extrapolations from what was known. He also excelled in describing his characters and the backgrounds of his stories.
Andersonian Paragraphing II by Sean M Brooks
I think it would be a good idea to continue my discussion of how skillfully Poul Anderson crafted opening paragraphs for his stories and novels. I also want to comment a bit on his literary style.
"Svoboda was about sixty years old. He did not know his exact age. The Lowlevel seldom counted such, and his earliest memory was of weeping in an alley while rain fell past an overhead beltway that roared. Afterward his mother died and someone who claimed to be his father but probably wasn't sold him to Inky the thiefmaster."Even from an author who composed many striking opening paragraphs, this one has stayed in my mind. An effective paragraph arouses many thoughts and questions. Why did living in the "Lowlevel" make an accurate counting of age and other forms of record keeping unlikely? What exactly was this "Lowlevel"?
How did the child Svoboda end up weeping in an alley and then being sold as a slave after his mother died? What kind of society was this?
The next example I'll quote from and comment on is from A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS. More accurately I'll quote the opening paragraphs of the preface and the first chapter.
"How shall we tell it, brothers, the tale of Bodin's raid? Whence can we draw the words of wrath and sorrow, the words of valor and vengeance? Who today is a poet such as Andrei Simich, singer of heroes?"As was so often the case this paragraph was designed to elicit questions from readers. Who was Bodin and what was his raid? Where and against whom was this raid? I also note how the unnamed narrator compared himself unfavorably to a poet named Andrei Simich.
The first paragraph of Chapter I of A KNIGHT OF GHOSTS AND SHADOWS (Gregg Press, 1979) is an example of a short two sentences paragraph which goes:
"Every planet in the story is cold--even Terra, though Flandry came home on a warm evening of northern summer. There the chill was in the spirit."Brief though it was this paragraph stimulates both questions and evokes a mood. Where are these "cold" planets? Why does coming home on a pleasant summer evening brings a chill to the spirit? It makes the reader feel an ominous sense of foreboding and anxiety. In other words, evocative!
A few questions also come to mind about how Anderson writes. That is, what is his natural voice or style of writing? A few comments from other writers or editors suggests some answers.
For example, this is what Tom Easton wrote for the preface in Volume 3 of THE COLLECTED SHORT WORKS OF POUL ANDERSON: THE SATURN GAME (NESFA Press, 2010):
"His style, though it could wax poetic in "The Saturn Game" (1981), was always easy, conversational, and accessible; and it dealt with topics dear to the heart of every science fiction fan. In fact, he introduced us to some of those topics."Broadly speaking, what kind of stories did Poul Anderson write? In the prefatory essay he contributed to ADMIRALTY (NESFA Press, 2011), David G. Hartwell made some very telling remarks on page 10. He wrote:
"His heroes are heroic and strong in the slightly tragic vein of 19th century Romanticism--often they have suffered some earlier emotional wound--but blended in is a practical streak, an allegiance to reason and to knowledge that is a hallmark of hard science fiction characters, that Heinlein and Campbell tradition referred to above. You know a fair amount about what they are feeling, but what really matters is what they do, regardless of how they feel."What Hartwell said about Anderson's heroes having "...a practical streak, an allegiance to reason and to knowledge" applies at least as strongly to his fantasies as to his hard SF. One example of this being THREE HEARTS AND THREE LIONS, whose hero is a 20th century engineer who more than once used his scientific knowledge to solve problems in an alternate universe where the Carolingian legends were literally true.
To again quote Hartwell (page 10 of ADMIRALTY): Anderson "...most often wrote about strong men and women pitted against the challenge of survival in the face of the natural universe. Some of them die. But Anderson was optimist enough to see beyond the dark times into both a landscape, sometimes a starscape, and a future of wonders--for the survivors. Anderson's future is not for the lazy or the stay-at-homes. He was fairly gloomy about current social trends, big government, repression of the individual, so he catapulted his characters into a future of new frontiers, making them face love and death in vividly imagined and depicted environments far from home."
Hartwell cited as examples stories like "Kyrie" and novels such as THE MAN WHO COUNTS. Many, many others could be listed.
So much more could be said and quoted about Anderson's skill in writing opening paragraphs and as a literary stylist. I have, however, written enough for the purposes of this essay.
Andersonian Paragraphing by Sean M Brooks
It is my considered opinion that the late Poul Anderson was one of the greatest of all science fiction writers. I would like to mention in particular his skillful writing of opening paragraphs.
What is a paragraph? I'll answer that question by quoting from page 328 of the HARBRACE COLLEGE MANUAL (Harcourt Brace Jovanovich, 1941, 1946, 1951, 1956, 1962, 1967, 1972): "A paragraph is a distinct unit of thought -- usually a group of related sentences, though occasionally no more than one sentence -- in a written or printed composition. The form of a paragraph is distinctive: the first line is indented. The content of a unified paragraph deals with one central idea. Each sentence fits into a logical pattern of organization and is therefore carefully related to other sentences in the paragraph."
I'll next quote the opening paragraphs of three or more of Poul Anderson's books to demonstrate examples of especially striking and effective opening paragraphs.
From THE BROKEN SWORD, Chapter 1 (Abelard, 1954):
"There was a man called Orm the Strong, a son of Ketil Asmundson who was a great landsman in the north of Jutland. The folk of Ketil had dwelt in Himmerland as long as men remembered, and were mighty landowners. The wife of Ketil was Asgerd, who was a leman-child of Ragnar Hairybreeks. Thus Orm came of good stock, but as he was the fifth living son of his father there could be no large inheritance for him."The chief point of interest in the text quoted was how Poul Anderson modeled it on the Norse sagas. The strong genealogical orientation should be noted. Also, the story develops from the fact Orm could not hope for a large share of his father's estate. And of the means Orm chose for remedying that.
"It pleased Ruethen of the Long Hand to give a feast and ball at the Crystal Moon for his enemies. He knew they must come. Pride of race had slipped from Terra, while the need to appear well-bred and sophisticated had waxed correspondingly. The fact that spaceships prowled and fought fifty light years beyond Antares, made it all the more impossible a gaucherie to refuse an invitation from the Merseian representative. Besides, one could feel delightfully wicked and ever so delicately in danger."This paragraph arouses many questions and thoughts. Who exactly were Ruethen and the Merseians? Why did he subtly mock his enemies by giving them a feast and ball? Where and what were the Crystal Moon? Why had "pride of race" slipped from Terra? The comment about fifty light years beyond Antares suggests enormous distances. And a sense of decadence is suggested for Terrans. The paragraph is designed to entice readers to continue so they will find the answers to these questions.
"The story is of a lost treasure guarded by curious monsters, and of captivity in a wilderness, and of a chase through reefs and shoals that could wreck a ship. There is a beautiful girl in it, a magician, a spy or two, and the rivalry of empires. So of course -- Flandry was later tempted to say -- it begins with a coincidence."This paragraph also inspires many thoughts. The paragraph gives a good cryptic summary of the entire book without giving away details. What lost treasure was guarded by curious monsters? Who were the spies, the beautiful girl, the magician, and the rival empires?
It is my opinion that the three examples quoted above are excellent specimens of Poul Anderson's skill in writing opening paragraphs. Consciously or not they make the readers ask questions and lures them on to read further.
A Note on Anderson's Use of the Bible by Sean M Brooks
I asked Poul Anderson in one of my letters to him whether he had been raised as a Lutheran (because of his Scandinavian ancestry suggesting that to me). He replied that whatever religious background he had was Episcopalian. However, Anderson called himself an agnostic.
A MIDSUMMER TEMPEST, pg. 1, Joshua 22.22
"First Corinthians," Dick said. "By now I have the passage memorized. He [St. Paul] realized that the Resurrection is the central fact of Christianity. If you can believe that a corpse rose from its tomb, walked and talked, ate and drank and lived for forty days, why, then you can swallow anything, ancient prophecies, virgin birth, wedding at Cana, instant cures of leprosy--these are mere detail. The Resurrection is what matters. ' And if Christ be not raised, your faith is vain; ye are yet in your sins.' Paul went to considerable trouble to find eyewitnesses, he names them and lists the reasons for trusting them."